RajeshwariRajeshwari is a 17-year-old student residing at the Barathi Girls Hostel. English is her favorite subject, and although reserved, she clearly has good English understanding and speaking skills. She has lived in the hostel for five years now and also attended ODAM’s Narikudi KGBV School for her 8th standard studies.Prior to entering the KGBV School, Rajeshwari was a child laborer in the mills.With ODAM’s support, she is currently preparing to take the 12th standard exam, effectively completing her secondary school education. Rajeshwari’s parents are illiterate and she will be the first person in her family to graduate from 12thstandard. She is now planning to enroll in the local ITI to study a one-year tailoring and handicrafts diploma course. Tailoring is a good employment opportunity as the educational requirements are short in length and self-employed tailors are able to find financially stable work immediately. The Barathi Girls Hostel will continue to provide for Rajeshwari as she completes her vocational training course and until her entrepreneurship is self-sustaining.
Rajeswari says that receiving an education gave her self-confidence and now she will be able to provide for herself and help her family grow. She is just one of the hopefully many future success stories of ODAM’s Barathi Girls Hostel.
Boomadevi is a 17-year-old student residing at the Barathi Girls Hostel. Her favorite subject is accountancy. She has lived in the hostel for five years and attended the Narikudi KGBV School for her 7th and 8th standards. Before entering the KGBV School, Boomadevi was a child laborer engaged in agricultural work.She says that education allowed her to learn many new things and gain awareness about society. She is now preparing to take her 12th standard exams, becoming the first person in her family to complete through the 12th standard. Boomadevi has plans to enroll in the nearby ITI to study under a one-year tailoring and handicraft diploma craft. Tailoring will provide her a steady income as a self-employed entrepreneur and she will be able to commence work immediately after graduation from ITI. The Barathi Girls Hostel will continue to provide for Boomadevi while she attends vocational school and will assist her until her business is profitable. Boomadevi is just one of the hopefully many future success stories of ODAM’s Barathi Girls Hostel.
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